Food For Thought

Jack Guntulis

Professor Miller


27 January 2019


Eggs and all its Wonderful Recipes


Food is not just consumed for survival your whole life revolves around it. You schedule your day around the meals you’re eating whether that be breakfast, lunch or dinner. Some meals are more special than others. Most meals you will forget, but there are a few throughout your life that will stick with you. These meals are ones have a deeper meaning to you than the surface value of eating the food itself. Maybe it was a meal you used to make with your late grandma or Thanksgiving dinner. These meals are not of the utmost significance to you because of the taste it’s because of the deeper sentimental value it has to you. My favorite meal is eggs, doesn’t matter which way you prepare them I love them all. Each way has its own significance in my life so there is no way I could just pick one. As I have grown from a little kid to where I am today different egg recipes have impacted me in different ways.


My first encounter with eggs was when I was a little kid. My dad would make scrambled eggs for us on the weekends. This was something I looked forward to every weekend. A break from the before school cereal. Every Saturday I would start my weekend with scrambled eggs The reason behind scrambled eggs my dad said was “eggs were easy to make, and I would add ketchup and cheese so they would taste great while still being a healthy meal.” I can remember the rhythmic scratching of the whisk against the bowl and the sizzling of the eggs as they first hit the pan. My dad would make the scrambled eggs with shredded cheese served with buttered oatmeal bread toast with a handful of mixed berries in the side. My dad says, “I knew you loved it because you were such a pig you would clear the plate so fast you would get the hiccups.” This is how it went every weekend pulling  to the island devouring my food and getting my day started


As I grew older my tastes and interest changed. During my early teenage years one egg dish, in particular, had a deep impact on my life and meant a lot to me. One day over the summer going into my freshman year my dad asked me if I wanted to go on a sunrise hike. This is one of the fondest memories I had with my dad the view was sensational. Everything about the trip was amazing. Going up the mountain in complete darkness with only headlamps and my dog. Having hiked up and down a mountain by 7 o’clock. While 90% of the United States hadn’t even woken up yet. I felt so motivated and accomplished. Only problem was I was starving. We couldn’t just go home and have cereal on such a special occasion. My dad and I decided to go to Athens diner. I ordered a skillet, something I had never tried before. It was amazing. The over easy eggs draped over the home fries, sausage, bacon and ham. Taking that first bite ripping open the yoke as it pours down the skillet. I devoured that plate and I was hooked. It was only 8 o’clock and I was having one of the best days of my life. It became a tradition after that every time we went on a sunrise hike, we would go to Athens and I would order the skillet. 


This brings me to this year. I’m a young adult living at college. No more homecooked meals every day I was confined to cafeteria food.  Everything about college was foreign to me. Leaving the comfort of home, meeting new people, sleeping in a new bed with roommates. I needed a sense of normalcy. Breakfast was something I looked forward to every day. My comfort food, a veggie cheese omelet from the cafeteria. Every day I would start the day with this omelet no matter how crazy my week got.


Going back home was a big adjustment I had gotten used to my college routine. No longer could I go to the cafeteria for food I had to make my own. For the first time in my life, I start making every single one of my meals. Every morning I made my own version of scrambled eggs. To understand why this dish is so important to me I need to delve into my history of lifting weights. I got to where I am today through a long process of trial and error. Slowly becoming more and more interested and invested in work behind bodybuilding. I decided the first day of break I was going to go all in. I start tracking my macros and calories. There was one problem, I had no idea how to cook complex meals. I could make scrambled eggs easily and they were healthy. That what I stuck to. Every day over break I made this dish after every single 5 am workout. While this dish may not seem that significant it really means a lot to me. Winter break got me hooked on weight lifting and is something I am passionate about. I have always loved going to the gym but now I have fallen in love with the nutrition side of lifting. This dish so simple yet so tasty. It was my stepping stone into the fitness world. This dish for me is where I start my journey and I can’t wait t see where it takes me.


Meals are a crucial part of the human experience. Your whole day revolves around when you eat. Some meals are more important than others. There are meals you eat for sustenance and there are others you eat for pleasure. Coming together for meals give people a sense of community and leave long-lasting impressions on people. These meals, the ones that people remember years later are special because they have a deeper meaning than just the food that was eaten. For me, eggs are that special meal. They have so many fond memories that come with eating eggs, memories I will remember for the rest of my life.


4 Eggs

1.5 Cups of Spinach

4 oz of Chicken

.5 Cup of Shredded Cheddar Cheese

